Breath 〰️

Our world has never been more ready, or in such deep need, of full throttle expression of feminine intelligence
- Kc Baker
Training, Events, Media and Consultation, tête-à-tête & groups for the professional & public sectors.
Women have long been missing in the ‘room where it happens’. Decisions about our lives, wellbeing and interests need to be led by us and be made with our full input on board. From Birth to Death our experience as Women is invaluable. Access acclaimed public speaking and leadership techniques to support you in joining and leading the conversation.
Why do some women experience birth as a powerful rite of passage while others emerge deeply traumatised? Learn about the spectrum of birth experiences, the context in which we give birth and why listening to maternity health consumers is vital for improving healthcare and the lived experience of all stakeholders.
Come to Gather.
For thousands of years women have gathered to build community and culture, grow, celebrate and heal. Many are reclaiming our old rites and upholding new rights. Find out about upcoming public and private Circle work, retreats, professional and public events. Discover the power of women’s innate-living-intelligent weaving.
Strengthening women, families and Community lies at the Heart of my work.