Resource: Reading List
There is a proliferation of mis and dis-information on the world wide web these days. There is also a clear trend of dumbing one-self down, whether consciously or as a limbic reaction to social coercion it matters not. Then there is the more unconscionable behaviour, and I am not sure just yet that it is a forgivable act, despite your inability to control it.
Bio Individuality
How getting to know your unique Bio-Individuality will mark a new beginning in your understanding of self and others.
Knowing your options in Birth.
Options matter when it comes to childbirth. I once heard from a woman who was in the late stages of her pregnancy. "I'm just going to go to the hospital & have my baby.. women have been doing this for millions of years, I'm not going to be doing anything new..". While the second part of this sentence is true, there are more truths that nullify the logical outcome of it.
Co-Sleeping 101
Co-sleeping used to be a somewhat controversial subject, with some thinking it was a hazardous undertaking. Today, the benefits and importance of co-sleeping are widely known by many in the medical field. There are even ‘baby-friendly’ hospitals incorporating co-sleeping from day one post birth.
We eat using a fork & a spoon & don't touch our food or touch our mouth while we are eating, we drive in cars or ride or take other transport, so often that walking every day, which is what our bodies were made to do - is an odd concept for most. We buy food from a shop, rarely understanding the value of it & never knowing the person that took the time to nourish the earth in which it was grown, sow the seeds & tend to the tender plant until it was time for harvest. We are removed more than ever from the natural ways of living & yet the thing we crave the most is this aloof & fleeting feeling of contentedness.