I come from community and family-oriented people. Story, practices, lore, law, culture and a strong origin story all bind together to make for powerful foundations.
Throughout my life, I have naturally gravitated towards building and supporting communities, especially so where I’ve seen it is most needed, whether it’s the ongoing work in the Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond community - an essential service and an ode to Mothers and our work everywhere and always, supporting women in bringing their voices to the table, or emergency care work building temporary short and long-term solutions such as the PBB Hub during the NSW floods or supporting the courageous Jewish community during times of upheaval, there is always a powerful tenet at play. Alone we cannot survive and only with well-relations can we thrive.
Community is built through conversation, listening, sitting, eating, crying together, it is built through intentional engagement, understanding the WHY/collective purpose and pooling resources. It is often an intuitive process and requires dedication and a commitment from many.
There are many ways in which to foster these processes. Nourishing our mothers, elders and children are a essential part of the foundation for our communities, for any community. Whether we are tackling mothers mental health, community disaster relief, protecting our environment or healing birth trauma, Gathering is one of our most powerful tools in tackling some of the most complex issues communities face today.